Maximise Your Potential with Reflection 

It's that time of year again, when it's a great opportunity to take a step back and reflect on our progress thus far. Reflection is an important part of the fitness journey; it helps us to pause, take stock, and appreciate where we have gotten to in our goals while also giving us the chance to identify areas for improvement. 
Reflecting is a crucial part of any year, whether it's the end of December or any other week throughout the year. It allows us to take stock of all that we've accomplished, no matter how small – and it's a great opportunity to set new goals and intentions for the future.
Reflecting can also help provide insight into how we can make better decisions in the future. It's not just about looking at what we didn't do or failed at; reflection is also about celebrating successes, no matter how small . 
When it comes to reflecting effectively, it can be helpful to ask yourself a few simple questions. 
For example: What was my biggest accomplishment this year? What did I learn from my successes and failures? What would I like to do differently in the coming year? How can I prioritise my goals better? How can I improve my physical and mental health? 
Although it can be easy to dwell on things you didn’t achieve – don’t let yourself get stuck there! 
Reflecting without judgement will help you move forward with a clear head full of new ideas and motivation. Every day is a fresh start so don’t wait until Jan 1st - use the end of the year as an opportunity to make meaningful changes in your life. Ask yourself ‘what do I want more of?’ or ‘how can I make my life even better than it was this past year?’ You may be surprised by the answers! 
For those who feel like they want to get something more out of their reflection period, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
1) What were my biggest successes this past year? 
2) What changes did I make that had the biggest impact? 
3) What areas do I need to focus more on? 
4) How am I feeling emotionally/mentally/physically about my results so far? 
5) What would be a good plan for me to reach my next goal? 
6) How can I stay motivated & continue making progress without getting overwhelmed by the process?  
7) Do I need any additional support or guidance from others to achieve my goal? 
8) What will make me feel good about continuing on this journey? 
9) What are some areas of growth for me personally, not just physically     
Reflecting doesn't always have to mean being hard on yourself; it's actually quite empowering. No matter what answers you come up with during your reflection process, don't forget that every day brings with it an opportunity for something new. 
Even if 2022 hasn't turned out quite as you'd hoped or planned, there's still plenty of opportunity left in 2023 to pursue your dreams and make progress on whatever goals you have. 
So feel free to look back at the past year with objectivity, but also look forward with optimism as reflecting gives us the knowledge and motivation we need to keep pushing ourselves, reach new heights and take back control of our lives. 
So, this week, why not seize those fresh starts that come with every new day and use them as an excuse to get excited about your fitness journey again. I’m here to support you all the way, so please pop me a message, hit reply on this email, or book a call with me if you need any extra support to keep moving forwards.
Cheering you on

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